(click links for papers)
Journal Articles
“Healthy and Happy Natural Being: Spinoza and Epicurus Contra the Stoics," Ergo an Open Access Journal of Philosophy, vol. 11, no. 16, 2024, pp. 412-441.
“Spinoza’s Early Modern Eudaimonism: Corporeal and Intellectual Flourishing,” Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review/Revue Canadienne De Philosophie, pp. 1-26.
“Spinoza’s Strong Eudaimonism." Journal of Modern Philosophy, vol. 5, no. 1, 2023.
“Spinoza’s Metaethical Synthesis of Nature and Affect.” Ithaque, no. 30, 2022, pp. 89‐112.
Popular Philosophy
“Consequence, Duty, and Character: An Exploration of Traditional Ethical Paradigms in the Ethics,” Undercurrent Philosophy, 27 August 2023.
“How Important is Philosophy to Happiness? Weak vs. Strong Eudaimonism,” TheCollector, 19 August 2023.